Public Financial Management Reform
Public Financial Management Reform (PFMR) Secretariat can be traced back to 2006 when the Government of Kenya launched the initiative to strengthen public financial management systems in the country. The main aim of the programme was to support reforms and capacity building in ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) central to implementation of the broader economic reforms in Kenya. Overall, the Secretariat sought to make public financial management more transparent, accountable and responsive to policy priorities. This was critical, given the country’s history of governance challenges in the public sector which had for years affected the country’s economic growth and development.
Sound systems, strong legal and regulatory frameworks as well as a competent and productive civil service are the cornerstones of an efficient Public Finance Management(PFM) regime. Public Financial Management Reforms Secretariat has been identified as the key drivers to efficient public service delivery and creation of wealth and employment, ensuring that the Government and its Departments raise, manage, and spend public resources in an efficient and transparent way with the aim of improving service delivery.
Over the last decade the Government of Kenya has undertaken a number of PFM reforms aimed at enhancing accountability and transparency.
These initiatives have drawn support from Development Partners, including the World Bank, the European Commission, AFD, GIZ, SIDA, DANIDA and CIDA that have worked closely with the Kenya Government in implementing the reforms. The broad objective of these reforms is to strengthen PFM systems by enhancing transparency, accountability and responsiveness to public expenditure policy priorities.
For more information kindly visit PFMR website through